Conference reports 2023
1 Election and Induction of the President and Vice-President of the Methodist Conference
2 First Report of the Conference Business Committee
4 Report of the Presbyteral Session Business Committee
8 The Trustees for the Bailiwick of Guernsey Farnham Royal Churches Purposes
9 The Trustees for Jersey Farnham Royal Churches Purposes
11 Connexional Allowances Committee
12 A justice-seeking church: the report of the Walking with Micah project
13 Joint Advisory Committee on the Ethics of Investment (JACEI)
15 Committee on Methodist Law and Polity (1)
17 Trustees for Farnham Royal Churches Purposes (TMCP)
18 Methodist Schools Appointments
20 3Generate 2022 – Methodist Children and Youth Assembly
24 Unified Statement of Connexional Finances
30 Referred Memorials and Notices of Motion
31 Rydal Penrhos change to Articles
33 Presbyteral transfers and reinstatements
34 Relief and Extension Fund for Methodism in Scotland
35 Composition of the Conference
38 Methodist Ministers’ Housing Society
43 There is Room – triennial membership returns
44 Necessitous Local Preachers Fund
45 Appointments of District Chairs
47 Second report of the Conference Business Committee
48 Presbyters and deacons becoming supernumerary, returning to the active work
50 Ministers of other churches
52 Conference Diaconal Committee