Conference Reports 2015
1: Election and Induction of the President and Vice-President
2: First Report of the Conference Business Committee
5: Appointment of the Secretary and Assistant Secretary of the Conference
7: World Methodist Council Exchange of Pastorates
8: Methodist Ministers Housing Society
9: Response to The Church Towards a Common Vision
15: An Order for the Reafirmation of Baptismal Faith including the Use of Water
17: Committee on Methodist Law and Polity - part 1
18: Unified Statement of Connexional Finances
21: Joint Advisory Committee on the Ethics of Investment - Summary Report
22: Methodist Council - part 1
23: A Review of Nestlé and Breast Milk Substitutes Marketing
24: Stationing Committee Report
25: Trustees for Farnham Royal Churches Purposes - TMCP
26: Westminster College Oxford Trust
27: General Secretary's Report
28: Methodist Council - part 2
29: Methodist Diaconal Order General Report
31: Methodist Ministers Pension Scheme (MMPS)
32: Methodist Independent Schools Trust
33: Managing Trustees of the Methodist Central Hall Westminster
35: Managing Trustees of the New Room Bristol and Charles Street Bristol
36:A Connexional Central Services Budget for three years commencing 2015-16
36:B Connexional Central Services Budget District Allocations
37: Holy Communion Mediated through Social Media
38: Faith and Order Committee Report
39: Report of the Working Group on Fellowship Groups
41: Committee on Methodist Law and Polity - part 2
42: Response to Notice Motion 206 (2012)
43: Relief and Extension Fund for Methodism Scotland
44: Presbyteral Candidates and Probationers Oversight Committee
45: Report of the Working Party on Accessibility to the Conference
46: Connnexional Allowances Committee
48: Past Cases Review Implementation
49: Nominations for the 2016-2021 Quinquennium of the World Methodist Council
50: Central Finance Board (CFB)
51: Marriage and Relationships Task Group
52: Presbyters and Deacons from other Churches
53: Referred Memorials and Notices of Motion
55: Presbyteral and Diaconal Candidates and Probationers' Oversight Committees
58: Designations for Appointment of District Chairs
60: Ministers Becoming Supernumerary
61: Conference Diaconal Committee
62: Presbyteral Transfers and Reinstatements
63: Report of the Presbyteral Session Business Committee
65: Joint Covenant Advocacy Monitoring Group