1: Election and Induction of the President and Vice-President
2: First Report of the Conference Business Committee
4: Unified Statement of Connexional Finances
6: Methodist Relief and Development Fund (All We Can)
7: Trustees for the Bailiwick of Guernsey Farnham Royal Churches Purposes
8: Trustees for Jersey Farnham Royal Churches Purposes
10: Joint Advisory Committee on the Ethics of Investment
12: Methodist Diaconal Order General Report
13: Westminster College Oxford Trust
15: Methodist Ministers' Housing Society
18: The World Council of Churches: 10th Assembly
19: Response to the Commission of the Covenanted Churches in Wales
21: The Challenge of the Covenant: Uniting in Mission and Holiness
22: Trustees for Farnham Royal Churches Purposes (TMCP)
23: Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions
24: Committee on Methodist Law and Polity
25: Review of the post of Secretary of the Conference and General Secretary
27: Methodist Ministers' Pension Scheme (MMPS)
28: Methodist Independent Schools Trust
29: Connexional Central Services Budget
30: Connexional Central Services Budget - District Allocations
31: General Secretary's Report
33: Connexional Allowances Committee
35: Faith and Order Committee Report
36: Report of the One Mission Working Party
38: Relief & Extension Fund for Methodism in Scotland
39: Committee on Methodist Law and Polity (2)
40: Working Party on Marriage and Civil Partnerships
41: Methodist International Centre
42: Aldershot Methodist Military Trust
44: Methodist Children and Youth Assembly Report 2013
45: Presbyteral and Diaconal Candidates and Probationers Oversight Committees
46: Presbyteral Candidates and Probationers Oversight Committee
48: Appointments of District Chairs
50: Managing Trustees of the Methodist Central Hall, Westminster
51: Report to the Representative Session of business conducted by the Conference Diaconal Committee
52: Central Finance Board: Chair's Report
53: Lobbying, Non-Party Campaigning and Trade Union Administration Act
54: Presbyters and Deacons from other Churches
55: Presbyters and Deacons Becoming Supernumerary or Returning to the Active Work
56: Presbyteral Transfers and Reinstatements
57: Referred Memorials and Notices of Motion
58: Report of the Presbyteral Session Business Committee
61: Ecumenical Partnerships and Sharing Agreements