
Conference Reports 2013

The Reports on this page are in Word doc format. To download please right-click and choose 'Open link in new tab' (or similar, depending on your browser)

1: Election and Induction

2: First Report of the Conference Business Committee

3: General Secretary's Report

4: Methodist Children and Youth Assembly Report

5: Methodist Independent Schools Trust

6: Connexional Allowances Committee

7: Action for Children

8: Methodist Relief and Development Fund (MRDF)

9: Westminster College Oxford Trust Ltd

10: Trustees for the Bailiwick of Guernsey

11: Special Resolutions

12: Ecumenical Report

13: Managing Trustees of the New Room Bristol

14: Methodist Homes (MHA)

15: Methodist Ministers Pension Scheme

16: Personnel Files for Ministers

17: Methodist Diaconal Order General Report

18: Trustees for Farnham Royal Churches Purposes (TMCP)

19: Joint Advisory Committee on the Ethics of Investment (JACEI)

20: Supporting Ministers with Ill Health

21: Law and Polity Committee

22: Stationing Committee

23: Conference Diaconal Committee

24: Connexional Central Services Budget 2013-16

25: Connexional Central Services Budget 2013-14 District Allocations

26: Unified Statement of Connexional Finances

27: Relief and Extension Fund for Methodism in Scotland

28: Methodist Minsters Housing Society

29: Education Project Progress Report

30: Methodist Academies and Schools Trust

31: Safeguarding

32: Joint Implementation Commission

33: Central Finance Board

34: The Future of Wesley House Cambridge

35: Larger than Circuit

36: Westminster College Oxford Trust

37: Faith and Order Committee

38: Methodist Missionary Society Working Party Report

39: Managing Trustees of Central Hall Westminster

40: Sharing Agreements and Ecumenical Partnerships

41: Discipleship and MInistries Learning Network

42: Ministries Committee

43: Conference Arrangements

44: Methodist Council

45: District Resolutions

46: Authorisations Committee

47: Appointments of District Chairs

48: Supreme Court Case

49: Review of the Membership of the Conference

50: Report of the Presbyteral Session Business Committee

51: Transfer Committee

52: Presbyteral Candidates and Probationers Oversight Committee

53: Ministers becoming Supernumerary

54: World Methodist Council Ministerial Exchanges

55: Methodist Forces Board

56: Permissions to Serve

57: Presbyters and Deacons from other Countries

58: Committee Appointments

59: Appreciations

60: Referred Memorials and Notices of Motion

61: First Report of the Conference Financial Committee

62: Report of the Conference Law and Polity Sub-Committee 

Memorials to the Conference

Complete Daily Record