Conference Reports 2012
The Reports on this page are in Word doc format. To download please right-click and choose 'Open link in new tab' (or similar, depending on your browser)
2. 3Generate Children & Youth Assembly Report 2011
3. Methodist Independent Schools Trust
4. Methodist Ministers' Housing Society
6. Fresh Ways Working Group 2012
7. World Methodist Council "Achieving the Vision"
8. Methodist Relief and Development Fund (MRDF)
9. Methodist Academies and Schools Trust (MAST)
10. Connexional Central Services Budget - revised report
10. Connexional Central Services Budget - revised figures
11. Leading and Presiding: Developing the Presidency of the Conference
12. Conference Business Committee
13. Connexional Allowances Committee
14. Managing Trustees of Central Hall Westminster
17. Westminster College Oxford Trust Ltd
18. Methodist Diaconal Order General Report
20. President's Inquiry (Safeguarding) 2011
21. Law and Polity Committee (Part 1)
22. Unified Statement of Connexional Finances
23. Trustees for Farnham Royal Churches Purposes
25. Future Mission Together - extract from daily record
27. General Secretary's Report
28. Trustees for New Room Bristol
29. Joint Advisory Committee on the Ethics of Investment (JACEI)
30. Signalling Vocation, Clarifying Identity
31. Methodist Ministers Pension Scheme
32. Safeguarding Past Cases Review
33. Law and Polity Committee (Part 2) - Amendments to SOs
33. Law and Polity Committee (Part 2) - notes on amendments
34. Central Finance Board (CFB)
39. Joint Working Party on the Ecclesiology of Emerging Expressions of the Church (JAMWPEEEC)
40. Relief and Extension Fund for Methodism in Scotland
43. Ministerial Candidates and Probationers Oversight Committee
44. Stationing Advisory Committee
45. Reception into Full Connexion
46. Ministers and Deacons becoming Supernumerary
48. Ministers Transferring Out, Serving Abroad etc
50. Ministers from other Churches
51. Appointments of District Chairs
52. Fresh Ways Working Group: the Future
54. Appointments and Appreciations
55. Law and Polity Report (Part 3)
58. Sharing Agreements and Ecumenical Partnerships
59. Memorials to the Conference
64. Youth Participation Strategy
66. Review of the Senior Leadership of the Connexional Team
67. Review of the Membership of Conference
68. Conference Financial Committee