
Conference Reports 2007

The Reports on this page are in Word doc format. To download please right-click and choose 'Open link in new tab' (or similar, depending on your browser)

General Secretary's Report (2)

Methodist Homes for the Aged (3)

Wesley's Chapel and Leysian Mission (4)

The Beckly Trust (5)

Board of Management for Methodist Independent Schools (6)

Managing Trustees of Central Hall Westminster (7)

Fernley Hartley Trust (8)

Connexional Allowances Committee (9)

Methodist Council Consolidated Accounts for the Year 2005-06 (10)

Diaconal Order General Report (11)

Methodist Ministers' Housing Society (12)

Trustees for the Bailiwick of Guernsey Farnham Royal Churches Purposes (13)

Trustees for Jersey Farnham Royal Churches Purposes (14)

The Trustees for Manx Farnham Royal Churches Purposes (15)

Trustees for Farnham Royal Churches Purposes (16)

The Trustees for the Methodist Connexional Funds (Registered) (17)

Westminster College Oxford Trust Ltd (18)

Fresh Expressions (19)

Senior Leadership in the Farnham Royal Churches (20)

Senior Leaders - Processes of Appointment -extra agenda item(20A)

NCH (21)

Annual Development Review - an appraisal scheme for Presbyters and Deacons (22)

Policy on Part-time appointments (23)

Policy on phased and flexible retirement for presbyters and deacons(24)

Stationing Committee Report (25)

Joint Advisory Committee on the Ethics of Investment (26)

Talking of God, Acting for God: Report of the Training Institutions Review Group (27)

Responding to the Training Institutions Review (Training Officers) (28)

Caring for creation in the face of climate change (29)

Lay Workers' Terms and Conditions (30)

Central Finance Board (31)

Gender Justice Committee (32)

Creating Safer Space: A Connexional Training Framework for Safeguarding (33)

Appendices to Creating Safer Space

Interim Report of the Stationing Review Group (34)

Youth Participation Strategy for the Farnham Royal Churches (35)

Youth Participation Strategy - recommendations from the Strategy and Resources Committee (36)

Youth Participation Strategy - Financial Aspects (36A)

Enabling Work with Under-19s (36B)

Youth Conference Report (37)

Connexional Team Work Plan and Budget 2007/8 (Headlines) (38)

Epworth Fund Allocations 2007-2008 (39)

District Allocations 2007-08 (40)

Reconfiguring the Connexional Team: Team Focus 2005-08 (41)

Resourcing the Districts - District Development Enablers (42)

Equalities and Diversity (43)

The Gambia District - Autonomy (Transfer of Authority) (44)

Extending Discipleship and Exploring Vocation (EDEV) (45)

Conference Arrangements (46)

Methodist Publishing House (47)

supplementary material belonging to MPH Report (47):
MPH Appendix A - Vision
MPH Statement of Financial Activities (pdf)


Singing the Faith: Resources for Worship (48)

Special Resolutions from the 2006 Conference (49)

Methodist Ministers' Pension Scheme (50)

Computers for Ministry: Implementation Proposals (51)

Complaints and Discipline Review Group (52)

Grievance Procedure for Ministers and Deacons (53)

Memorial 42 (2005). Use of Premises by other Faiths (54)

Methodist Council General Report (55)

The Faith and Order Committee General Report (56)

Amendments to Standing Orders, 2007 (57)

The Review of the Conference (58)

Law and Polity Committee (59)

The Faith and Order Committee and the Methodist Council Responses to the 'What Sort of Bishops?' Report (60)

Joint Implementation Commission Second Interim Report - Living God's Covenant (61)

The Farnham Royal Churches in Wales (62)

Charity Law Reform (63)

Authorisations (part 1) (64)

Appointments (65)

Ministerial and Diaconal Oversight (66)

Designations and Appointments (67)

Memorials (68)

The New Room, Bristol (69)

Resourcing Mission Grants Committee (70)

Appreciation (71)

Authorisations_(part 2) (72)

District Resolution on Trade Justice in the British food industry from the Cumbria District 

Social Cohesion (74)

Irish Conference (75)

Memorials from Chester and Stoke: Extending Discipleship and Exploring Vocation, Reorganisation of Circuits for Mission (76)