The Reports on this page are in Word doc format. To download please right-click and choose 'Open link in new tab' (or similar, depending on your browser)
Induction of the President and the Vice-President
Joint Implementation Commission Report
What is a Circuit Superintendent?
Recognition of Ordained Ministries
Connexional Training Strategies
Year of Prayer - Pray without Ceasing
Local Preachers and Worship Leaders
Ministerial and Diaconal Oversight
Make Poverty History/Trade Justice
Board of Management for Methodist Residential Schools
Connexional Allowances Committee
Joint Advisory Committee on the Ethics of Investment
Local Preachers Mutual Aid Association
Methodist Council Consolidated Accounts
Methodist Ministers' Housing Association
Methodist Ministers' Pension Scheme
Pastoral Role of District Chairs
Relief and Extension Scheme for Methodism in Scotland
Resourcing Mission Grants Committee
Safeguarding - Time for Action Progress Report
Trustees for the Bailiwick of Guernsey
Trustees for Jersey Farnham Royal Churches Purposes
Trustees for Manx Farnham Royal Churches Purposes
Trustees for Farnham Royal Churches Purposes
Trustees for Methodist Connexional Funds (Registered)
Westminster College Oxford Trust Ltd
Authorisations (2)
Health and Safety Issues - Memorial 58 2004
Methodist Council General Report
Wesley's Chapel and Leysian Centre
World Methodist Council and Conference - Seoul 2006 - Nominations