
This page was last updated 20th September 2021.


  • All applications must be submitted via the local Register Office in the district where the building is situated. 
  • Items 1-6 below MUST be included with EVERY application.
  • Item 7 (Consent Letter for shared congregations) is only required for buildings ‘shared’ with other congregations - by a formal Sharing Agreement or under a licence or some other arrangement for worship by a non-Methodist denomination. Further guidance here.
  • Item 8 (Form AP1 for authorised persons) is recommended to be submitted at the same time as the rest of the application, but can be sent separately if necessary. However, if sent separately, the authorised person will not be able to register a same-sex marriage until formally appointed by the General Register Officer to do so.
  • For detailed guidance about considering whether or not to register and how to complete the forms referred to in this checklist, see here.


  1. A fee (£71 as of July 2024) paid directly to the local Register Office.

  2. Two copies of completed Form 78
    Available here: [pdf]

    The Marriage Act 1949 requires two original copies of the reverse of the Form 78 to be completed. Please complete and submit both forms, ensuring they are exact duplicates (including any dates and original signatures). 

    Government guidance on completing Form 78 is here: [pdf]

    Methodist guidance on completing Form 78 is here.
  3. One copy of the Marriage Service

    The relevant Methodist liturgy is here: [pdf]

    A copy of this liturgy is required to confirm that the person who officiates at such a marriage ensures that two men address each other as ‘husband and husband’ and that two women address each other as ‘wife and wife’ during the service, in particular when the legally binding words of contract are spoken.
  4. One copy of completed Form 78A

    Available here: [pdf]

    Government guidance on completing Form 78A is here: [pdf]

    Methodist guidance on completing Form 78A is here.

  5. Letter of Consent from the Secretary of the Conference on behalf of the Conference as governing authority

    Available here: [pdf]

  6. Letter of Consent from the managing trustees of the building to be registered

    Sample letter available here: [pdf]
  7. (If another congregation also uses the Methodist building for public religious worship, i.e. ‘a sharing congregation’) Letter of Consent from the sharing congregation's governing authority

    The letter should confirm:

    - The capacity in which the author is writing the letter.
    - That they represent the congregation of the religious denomination of the building.
    - That the congregation's governing authority consents to same-sex marriage ceremonies taking place in that building.
    - [OPTIONAL: ONLY IF Farnham Royal Churches COUNCIL HAS AGREED THIS.] That the congregation agrees to extend consent to cover situations where members of the congregation are unable to marry in the building. This could be due to them being housebound, detained or seriously ill and therefore unable to be moved.

    NOTE: Consent letters are required on behalf of EVERY congregation that uses the building for public religious worship.

    For more guidance see here.
  8. Completed Form AP1 (Authorised Persons)

    Available here: [pdf]

    Government guidance on completing Form AP1 is here: [pdf]

    Methodist guidance on completing Form AP1 is here.

    NOTE: Form AP1 may be submitted separately from the rest of the application, but if not submitted simultaneously the Authorised Person will not be authorised to register a same-sex marriage until formally appointed by the GRO.